Business Plan Templates
Business Startup Paperwork Checklist template

Sample text from Business Startup Paperwork Checklist:

Startup Paperwork Checklist


When starting a new business, there may seem to be no end to paperwork, with cities, counties, and other entities requiring various applications to be filed and approved. Use this checklist to keep track of what you need to do to make sure your company is operating correctly. Adjust the items as needed for your situation.


You might need to...

…file a business name statement

…state and local business registration, when required

…determine legal structure; register LLC, etc. if needed

…secure any needed industry licenses

…apply for any needed permits (city, county, etc.)

…obtain an Employer Identification Number (EIN) for taxes

…register trademarks or copyrights as needed

…work toward securing patents if relevant

…secure Resale Certificate for sales tax exemption

…register website domain name

…seek “verified” status for social media accounts

…Home Occupation permit if applicable

…Health Department permit

…alcohol and beverage license if sold

…apply for signage permits if necessary

…check federal permitting requirements

…secure professional and occupational licenses

…music and entertainment permits if needed

…any required inspections: fire, building, etc.

…register with state Labor Department if employees

…commercial vehicle permits as required

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